Psychotherapy Module
Delve into the theoretical and practical aspects of psychotherapy, equipping you to address a wide range of emotional and psychological concerns.
- Introduction and Schools of Thought.
- Course Philosophy and Design
- The Client’s Need in Therapy
- Initiating a Process of Chance
- Self-Defeating Lifestyles
- Relationships – Healing Together
- Courage, Compassion & Confrontation
- Emotional Awareness & Gut-level Feelings
- Positive Attitudes in Recovery
- The Client, The Therapist and Spirituality
- Process of Psychotherapy
- Evaluation Procedure
- Treatment by Communication
- Functional Neurosis
- Affective Disorders
- Psychosomatic reactions
- Evaluating Assessment
- Introduction to Hypnosis
Course Guidelines
- After each lesson, a test paper will be given for the participant to complete before the following week.
- After lesson 18, the participant will do a final examination. Once passed a diploma of competence will be issued.
- Course time: 18 weeks @ one morning/afternoon per week (3hours) or by correspondence distant learning.
- The course fee per person has to be paid in advance.
What they say about the courses
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Sem ornare lacinia cras eu luctus diam consectetur sagittis maecenas sit et sed aliquet placerat interdum mattis elit laoreet sit tellus mauris.
Oliver Goodman
Est ipsum iaculis pellentesque massa gravida sed massa sollicitudin vulputate morbi augue morbi purus dolor aenean.
Emma Stone
Sed ultrices ipsum tortor sed diam volutpat in arcu sed turpis senectus mauris, egestas dignissim nec, vulputate ultrices aliquam risus imperdiet risus, non sagittis
Nathalie Moore
Sagittis ullamcorper est luctus tellus, lacus consectetur sed adipiscing in diam magna id lacinia at maecenas sed vitae porttitor sagittis sit morbi in pharetra, porta scelerisque.
Luiz Enrique